Lenovo C315

Lenovo C315
alaScore 86

6 reviews

Feb 2025

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alaTest heeft 6 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Lenovo C315. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.4/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.1/5 voor andere Desktop Computers. Gebruikers waarderen het gebruiksgemak zeer maar velen zijn minder positief over de vormgeving. De gebruiksvriendelijkheid is ook indrukwekkend.

afmetingen, prijs, betrouwbaarheid, gebruiksvriendelijkheid


We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Desktop Computers krijgt de Lenovo C315 een alaScore™ van 86/100 = Zeer goed.

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Expert review door : David Murphy (pcworld.com)

Lenovo IdeaCentre C315


Looking at the Lenovo IdeaCentre C315 is "a bit like staring into the sun"--that's a direct quote from our notes in reference to the bright, vibrant display on this 20-inch all-in-one desktop.

Beautiful multitouch screen ; Built-in TV tuner

No 802.11n networking ; Poor internal speakers

This 20-inch all-in-one desktop has great visual appeal, but identically priced all-in-ones deliver a stronger overall package.

Sep 2010

Expert review door : Rich Brown (cnet.com)

Lenovo C315 40221GU review: Lenovo C315 40221GU


Lenovo C315 40221GU

Small footprint won't take up a lot of space; responsive touch screen; discrete graphics card provides surprisingly good video and gaming capabilities.

Dog-slow application performance; no video output or input options.

Lenovo's C315 all-in-one is not without its flaws, but if you can overlook its comparatively slow day-to-day performance you'll find this a solid budget-priced home entertainment PC. Don't use this system for a home office or general...

Aug 2010

Expert review door : Joel Santo Domingo (pcmag.com)

Lenovo C315


The Lenovo C315 keeps the 20-inch all-in-one form factor and adds multitouch support.

Compact all-in-one. Multi-touch screen. Good video consumption system. Minimal bloatware.

Little pricey. Integrated graphics. No Blu-ray. External IR remote dongle. Not true 1080p HD. No HDMI port. No eSATA. Plain styling. Wired keyboard and mouse. External power brick.

More desktop reviews: • Acer Aspire Z3 (AZ3-715-UR15)• Origin Neuron• Dell OptiPlex 7450 All-in-One• Microsoft Surface Studio• Corsair One Pro• more

Jul 2010

Expert review door : Rich Brown (cnet.com.au)

Lenovo C315 40221GU review: Lenovo C315 40221GU


Lenovo C315 40221GU

Small footprint won't take up a lot of space; responsive touch screen; discrete graphics card provides surprisingly good video and gaming capabilities.

Dog-slow application performance; no video output or input options.

Lenovo's C315 all-in-one is not without its flaws, but if you can overlook its comparatively slow day-to-day performance you'll find this a solid budget-priced home entertainment PC. Don't use this system for a home office or general...

Aug 2010

Expert review door (xataka.com)

Lenovo C315


Nuevo todo en uno el que nos presenta Lenovo con el C315, el primero de la marca que nos llega con pantalla multitáctil panorámica de 20 pulgadas, y que presume de bajo precio como principal reclamo de venta.

Sin mucha más información, sabemos que estará disponible en EEUU a partir de Abril, a un precio de 649 dólares, unos 478 euros al cambio.

Expert review door : parentesis.com (parentesis.com)

Lenovo C315


Bonito y moderno diseño y cuenta con pantalla táctil

No es escalable más que en la memoria RAM y no tiene Bluetooth

Ideal para quienes cuentan con espacio limitado, como estudiantes o empleados de oficinas. Ahora, para quienes deseen aumentar las capacidades como el disco duro, la memoria o el procesador, deben buscar otras opciones.

Jan 2011

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