Sky Glass

alaTest heeft 9 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Sky Glass. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.3/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie. Reviewers waarderen het geluid zeer maar hebben twijfels over de betrouwbaarheid. Het gebruiksgemak is ook indrukwekkend.

gebruiksvriendelijkheid, geluidskwaliteit, beeldkwaliteit, afwerking, vormgeving

prijs, betrouwbaarheid

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Sky Glass een alaScore™ van 94/100 = Uitstekend.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 9 reviews)

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Toont 1 - 8 van 8 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door : Kob Monney (

Sky Glass Review


The Sky Glass is an attempt by the British broadcaster to shake up the TV market, here are our thoughts about whether it's a success

Great content library and interface ; Better sound than TVs at its price ; Stylish looks ; Vivid mode improves HDR performance

Still some blooming and artefacts with content ; Expensive for the UHD/Atmos experience ; Needs plenty of bandwidth for all the features

Consider Sky Glass for what it is rather than what it’s not and there’s a good experience to be had. The interface is greatly accessible, the Vivid mode improves the HDR performance, though the price has gone up. Sky Glass fulfils a bit more of its...

Sep 2023

Expert review door : What Hi-Fi? (

Sky Glass review


The ultimate Sky experience? Yes and no...

Jul 2022

Expert review door (

Sky Glass review: the smartest of all smart TVs


The Sky Glass is a TV for everyone, whether you're tech-savvy or not

Incredibly easy to set up and use ; Voice control through the remote and the TV ; Sky content on-demand

Big and heavy TV set ; You need reliable internet ; Subscription costs will add up

Sky Glass is a hassle-free TV with 4K resolution and a powerful speaker system. You'll get all of the perks of Sky built-in, including access to loads of on-demand entertainment as well as hundreds of live TV channels. All you need is a reliable...

Nov 2021

Expert review door : Stuart Miles (

Sky Glass review: The future of television, just not yet


Sky Glass is an all-in-one streaming television. But is it any good or simply short of the mark?

Full Sky and app experience in the one place ; Dolby Atmos speakers built into the TV's chassis ; Voice control is intuitive ; Three screen size options: 43/55/65-inch

No built-in recording ; Some software issues ; Delay in loading channels ; No 120Hz/ALLM/VRR support ; Ad fast-forwarding added cost after 12 months

We may have expected a Sky Q internet (IP) service, but got something else: Sky Glass is truly a single device TV solution - with no dish and no box required - but while the concept is strong, the execution isn't as good as we would have liked and...

Nov 2021

Expert review door : Dan Grabham (

Sky Glass review


It's a streaming TV from Sky and that's right - there's no dish

A great-looking package ; Good sound for an integrated system ; Tweaked remote is good, but too reliant on voice ; Sky’s user interface is significantly improved here

The costs for Sky still add up ; Better picture quality out there ; Some catch-up players give a poor experience ; Sky Q still better for many

The future of Sky is here – but not if you have a decent Ultra HD TV already. The subscription model is very appealing, though

Nov 2021

TechAdvisor Recommended

Expert review door : Steve May (

Sky Glass review


Sky ditches the dish and introduces a whole new way to watch. The radical Sky Glass, is its first fully integrated 4K TV and streaming service

All-in-one entertainment system ; Dolby Vision ; Amazing Dolby Atmos sound system ; No dish required

No local storage for recordings ; No Game modes or 120Hz ; No headphone support

Sky Glass is the first opportunity to subscribe to Sky’s premium TV services over broadband, all neatly delivered into a bespoke TV environment. You even get the 4K telly as part of your monthly subscription. The hardware is chic and the software...

Nov 2021

Expert review door : Richard Goodwin (

Sky Glass Reviews: Is It Better Than Sky Q? Sky Glass Reviews: Is It Better Than Sky Q?


Sky Glass represents the biggest shake up to how Sky TV works in the company's history. But is Sky Glass worth getting or are you better off with Sky Q? Let's find out… Sky TV has changed a lot in recent years. In a bid to counteract the popularity of...

Jun 2022

Expert review door : Marc McLaren (

Sky Glass review: Revolutionary but not quite perfect


Sky Glass is a 4K HDR TV with built-in Dolby Atmos soundbar, Sky Q and no need for a dish. We went hands-on with it to see how it works and if it's any good.

Good sound ; Great interface ; One-cable-solution ; Well priced

Bulky design ; Muted colours ; No DVR capability

If the Streaming Puck was available as a standalone device then that would be a true game changer, but as a whole package, Sky Glass falls just short of greatness.

Feb 2022

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