Sharp R80A0S

Sharp R80A0S
alaAverage 3.2

5 reviews

Jun 2024

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alaTest heeft 5 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Sharp R80A0S. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.2/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

Consumenten beoordelen dit product gemiddeld met 64/100.

Review analyse

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Toont 1 - 5 van 5 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Consumenten review (

Heats nicely


This microwave cooks well, heating my food adequately. The one-touch system of quick cooking is easy to use and saves time. It's not too noisy when heating and it has a reminder alarm after it finishes cooking, so you won't forget to open it. It's...

Jul 2017

Consumenten review (

Excellent convection - grill and M/Wave


I've had this M/wave for just under 12 months and cannot fault it. It gets used quite regularly as I live on board my yacht so it's my main source of cooking when not sailing. I really like the features and if the manual is read and adhered to it's a...

Mei 2017

Consumenten review (

Unhappy with the product :(


It was working well for 8 months, then its stopped heating the food. Smoke came out when the grilled turned on. The heating sound and light is working perfect and we are getting fooled again and again. Lucky I didn't throw my old one, managing now with...

Apr 2017

Consumenten review (

Does it's job


Bought this as a fill in while I waited for my wall oven. As a microwave, it does its job and is more powerful than my previous one, so I am happy with that. I feel that the convection part isn't as intuitive to use as it could be. Also I don't like...

Feb 2017

Consumenten review (

Don't waste your money! !!


It was faulty from day one. The grill element comes on during convection cooking, causing burnt offerings. It is a fire hazard.. I think Sharp should recall this model. We had to convince the authorised repairers to try cooking something. They did and...

Nov 2016

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