Logik LHFDAB14

Logik LHFDAB14
alaScore 88

146 reviews

Jun 2024

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alaTest heeft 146 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Logik LHFDAB14. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.3/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.2/5 voor andere Audio Systems.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Audio Systems krijgt de Logik LHFDAB14 een alaScore™ van 88/100 = Zeer goed.

Review analyse

(Gebaseerd op 146 reviews)

1 expert reviews

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Toont 1 - 10 van 146 Toon Reviews: in Nederland | alle landen

Expert review door (which.co.uk)

Logik LHFDAB14 review

  (Cijfer Verborgen)

The Logik LHFDAB14 is small in size, but can it produce a big sound? This micro hi-fi might not be the biggest of the bunch but it promises to be a complete audio solution for those looking to play CDs and listen to the radio. Read our full review below.

Aug 2016

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

LOGIK LHFDAB14 Traditional Hi-Fi System



The volume control "wheel" does not work and the instructions to programe radio stations are non-existant. a poor buy

Jun 2017

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

LOGIK LHFDAB14 Traditional Hi-Fi System


Its compact and looks good, easy to work

Apr 2017

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

LOGIK LHFDAB14 Traditional Hi-Fi System


Its compact, really good quality for the money i paid id recommend it strongly

Mar 2017

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

LOGIK LHFDAB14 Traditional Hi-Fi System


A great, small kitchen addition but not for serious listening

The operation to select pre-set stations is illogical, tedious and unnecessarily complicated. Also, it always starts on DAB pre-set station 1 rather than on the last station listened to.

Mar 2017

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

LOGIK LHFDAB14 Traditional Hi-Fi System


Excellent value for money, the sound is much better than I expected for the price. Neat design, just fits the small space I had in mind

The lettering on remote is very difficult to see and a bit confusing to negotiate..

Feb 2017

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

LOGIK LHFDAB14 Traditional Hi-Fi System


The hi-fi is compact and unobtrusive, so it is easily transferred around. Suitable for kitchen, bedroom - and garage! I particularly enjoy the auxiliary so am able to connect ipod. Availability of DAB radio or FM adds variety. Overall, sound quality is...

Feb 2017

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

LOGIK LHFDAB14 Traditional Hi-Fi System


Remote control did not work on all its functions. Output power for speakers OK for system but not for Larger speakers.

Feb 2017

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

LOGIK LHFDAB14 Traditional Hi-Fi System


Neat, compact, practical. Ideal in the kitchen!


Feb 2017

Consumenten review (reevoo.com)

LOGIK LHFDAB14 Traditional Hi-Fi System


A compact and attractive design with good sound quality. DAB and FM radio both work well.

The remote control handset is very small and changing the battery is difficult.

Feb 2017

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