Unique Melody Miracle

Unique Melody Miracle
alaScore 77

18 reviews

Jun 2024

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alaTest heeft 18 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Unique Melody Miracle. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 4.8/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere Koptelefoons. Gebruikers waarderen het geluid zeer.

geluidskwaliteit, draagbaarheid, afwerking

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere Koptelefoons krijgt de Unique Melody Miracle een alaScore™ van 77/100 = Goed.

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Expert review door : Dan George (techradar.com)

Unique Melody Miracle review


In-ear newcomer Unique Melody is breaking the (custom) mould with its six-driver tailor-made earphone

Six-driver performance ; Build quality ; After-sales support

Costly ; Disappointing cable ; Lack of separation in the treble

Apr 2011

Consumenten review (head-fi.org)

Still one of the best out there at 2016


I have owned the UM Miracle for about 2 months now, I have bought them from Stereo Singapore and I have to say the service overall is great and altogether it took roughly 4 weeks to arrive after sending in my impressions. It is good dealing with Stereo...

Sound quality, build quality and fit

Expensive but it's good to the point they actually feel value for the money

Feb 2016

Consumenten review (head-fi.org)

Still one of the best out there at 2016


I have owned the UM Miracle for about 2 months now, I have bought them from Stereo Singapore and I have to say the service overall is great and altogether it took roughly 4 weeks to arrive after sending in my impressions. It is good dealing with Stereo...

Sound quality, build quality and fit.

Expensive but it's good to the point they actually feel value for the money

Feb 2016

Consumenten review (head-fi.org)



I have been using these for well over 18 months now. I was extremely hesitant to spend this much money on a pair of IEMs, however I can say with absolute certainty that they are worth every cent. The sound quality achieved with a good AMP/DAC and these...

sound stage, bass, comfort, clarity

non-visceral bass (as expected with BA drivers)

Jan 2016

Consumenten review (head-fi.org)

Absolutely Spectacular


Here is my rather long review. I hope you enjoy it: Copy and pasted from here: http://www.head-fi.org/t/668455/unique-melody-miracle-6-ba-ciem-review A while ago, when I was in a dilemma (mind you, it was a good dilemma) of choosing what CIEM to get, I...

Sound Quality, Customisation, Build Quality, Isolation

**CUSTOMER SERVICE**, Quite Expensive but Priced Appropriately, Sound Signature may not be for you.

Jun 2013

Consumenten review (head-fi.org)

Absolutely spectacular (with the right source)


I bought these back in October and have only been able to enjoy them in the last couple of weeks (i.e. from late April 2013 after ordering in October 2012). I can't stress enough how important it is to get the impressions done perfectly the first time...

Incredible sound at every frequency, comfort, isolation, presentation of sound

Customer service, fit issues at first (due to impressions, not the product itself)

Mei 2013

Consumenten review (head-fi.org)

Classic top quality CIEM, still excellent


Hi everybody, As promised, this is my modest review / take on the Unique Melody Miracle. I am by no means a professional reviewer, nor do I know how to use the precise terms to qualify sound, so I will just describe what I hear. I have strictly no...

Huge soundstage with airy sound, controlled and detailed bass, great balance overall

Mids could be more engaging, but are still very good.

Apr 2013

Consumenten review (head-fi.org)

Classic top quality CIEM, still excellent


Hi everybody, As promised, this is my modest review / take on the Unique Melody Miracle. I am by no means a professional reviewer, nor do I know how to use the precise terms to qualify sound, so I will just describe what I hear. I have strictly no...

Huge soundstage with airy sound, controlled and detailed bass, great balance overall

Mids could be more engaging, but are still very good

Apr 2013

Consumenten review (head-fi.org)

Unique Melody Miracle


Fantastic IEM and without a doubt one of the best available on the market today.

Clear sound, great extension, lots of separation, well made, good looking.

Customs are not for everyone.

Feb 2013

Consumenten review (head-fi.org)

CIEM at it's cleanest


The CIEM itself projects a near perfect sound, with all treble mid bass equally distributed, soundstage not very appealing, suits studio musics. Cable needs to be changed, as it tends to tangle so much, and the twist loosens up after some time

Very balanced sound

Lousy cable build

Okt 2012

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