Planon DocuPen RC800

Planon DocuPen RC800
alaScore 86

96 reviews

Jun 2024

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alaTest heeft 96 reviews verzameld en geanalyseerd voor Planon DocuPen RC800. De gemiddelde beoordeling voor dit product is 3.0/5, vergeleken met een gemiddelde beoordeling van 4.0/5 voor andere producten in dezelfde categorie.

We hebben de consumenten- en expertbeoordelingen, de leeftijd van het product en andere factoren geanalyseerd. Vergeleken met andere producten in dezelfde categorie krijgt de Planon DocuPen RC800 een alaScore™ van 86/100 = Zeer goed.

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Consumenten review ( review summary for Planon DocuPen RC800


alaTest has collected and analyzed 5 user reviews of Planon DocuPen RC800 from The average user rating for this product is 1.8/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other products in the same category on

20% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Jun 2024

Consumenten review ( review summary for Planon DocuPen RC800


alaTest has collected and analyzed 49 user reviews of Planon DocuPen RC800 from The average user rating for this product is 3.1/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other products in the same category on

63% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Jun 2024

Expert review door : staff (

Planon DocuPen RC800 review


An interesting way to scan documents on the move

Works quickly and works well

Expensive ; Low built-in memory

It has its limitations, but still represents a practical solution to scanning documents out of the office

Feb 2007

Expert review door : Joshua Goldman (

Planon DocuPen R700


If you need a pocket-size scanner for the library or in the field, the DocuPen can do the trick, but it will cost you.

Easy to use; ultraportable; scans fast.

Poor scan quality; expensive; doesn't work with Macs; scans in black and white only; text is illegible at small sizes; middling OCR software.

If you need an ultralight scanner that slips inside a deep pocket, dig deep into those pockets to splurge on the DocuPen.

Mei 2005

Expert review door (

Planon DocuPen RC800


Whoever at Planon was responsible for calling the DocuPen RC800 ($299.99 direct) a pen scanner did the product a tremendous disservice. The DocuPen looks less like a pen than a baton—or, better yet, a magic wand—and it doesn't work like a traditional...

Scans without a computer. Built-in memory holds hundreds of monochrome scans. Small enough to take anywhere

At maximum resolution and color depth, built-in memory holds only two 8.5- by 11-inch scans

The DocuPen RC800 is far easier to operate than traditional pen scanners and much more useful.

Expert review door : Ursula Seymour (

Planon DocuPen RC800


Scanners in general have fallen from favour as digital photography has done away with the need to import prints to a PC, but pen scanners still have a niche appeal.

The DocuPen RC800 offers simple, fast and good-quality colour scanning on the move, but we had some niggles with it in operation. The innovative features should please its target market, but the price is too high to tempt the rest of us.

Jan 2007

Expert review door : Joshua Goldman (

Planon DocuPen R700


If you need a pocket-size scanner for the library or in the field, the DocuPen can do the trick, but it will cost you.

Easy to use; ultraportable; scans fast.

Poor scan quality; expensive; doesn't work with Macs; scans in black and white only; text is illegible at small sizes; middling OCR software.

If you need an ultralight scanner that slips inside a deep pocket, dig deep into those pockets to splurge on the DocuPen.

Mei 2005

Expert review door : Nate Anderson (

Promises, promises: a review of the Planon RC800 pen scanner


A pen-shaped, battery-powered document scanner might be a secret agent's dream, but the DocuPen RC800 is not that scanner (yet).

It works

Software package is dated, Low-quality scans, The "application videos", Looks like a $50 device but costs $300, All the plastic. Please, make it stop

Feb 2008

Expert review door : Kristofer Brozio (

Review: Planon DocuPen RC800 Color Handheld Scanner (DPEN-RC800)


What you need is a scanner that is small, lightweight, portable, self-powered and doesn't require a computer to work, sounds like something that James Bond might have in his fictional arsenal of cool gadgets, but thanks to the folks at Planon it's a...

Fast scanning ; Great quality ; Easy to use ; Well made ; Included carrying case ; Nice software included ; Portable ; Coolness factor built-in

Cannot batch process scans/pictures ; Must turn scanner back on after every scan ; Not compatible with all MicroSD cards

Despite the coolness factor of the DocuPen it truly is a great product, it scans quickly and easily and allows for a truly portable office.

Okt 2007

Expert review door : petew (

Portable scanning with the DocuPen RC-800 : PlanOn DocuPen RC800 scanner


Scanners have come a long way since the bulky desk-top units of a few years back. The DocuPen RC800 is the latest in a range of hand-held scanners for those that just need to scan on the move.

The DocuPen is intended to be dragged down something flat that you want to scan. The device is intended for use on the move, scanning images and storing them for later retrieval by your computer. Internal standard memory is 8Mbytes, which is fine for...

Okt 2007

Expert review door : Jerry Raia (

The Docupen RC800 Review


I have always wondered about these devices and wanted to give one a try. Personally I have no need for something like this, but I can see where such a portable scanner could come in very handy. This is the Planon DocuPen RC800 Portable Scanner.

Jun 2007

Expert review door : Jason Jacobs (

PLANon DocuPen RC800 Portable Scanner


The DocuPen retails for $299 and at this price its not for the casual user needing to scan a few documents. With the built in memory, weight, rechargable battery, and size of the DocuPen its apparant that highly mobile individuals with disposable cash...

Apr 2007

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